A friend has asked for help with a quiz and I am stumped on 3 Answers are supermarket brand names ie a polish promise - Pledge (no number of letters) Saucy mexican Cupid & Cilla Bouncing Czechs...
Friends of Cononley Primary School c/o Lisa Dyson Cononley Primary School Meadow Lane Cononley North Yorkshire BD20 8NA £1 cheque made payable to Friends of Cononley Primary School closing date...
Please can you help?
Body Parts (number of letters given)
3 Two tall trees
8 Ships
9 Two berries
24 Prolific Animals (hares?)
49 His & Hers (4 3 5)...
Please can you help me finish these two quizzes? School Days 4. The eyes have it (6) Link Words 11 Hard Through Way (5) 63 Fall White Shed (5) 69 Insect Dip Chip (5) 77 Light Board Back (6) 88 Man...
Please can you help me with clues to help me finish these two quizzes? Rhyming answers 57 Withdrawal Symotoms (8 & 7) Surnames 17 Above made these (6) 21 There will always be one (7) 23 Alaskan...
Please can you help with my last 3 56 Essex's twin towers (7) 67 Sounds like the monarch's calcium oxide (4 5) 94 A town for shellfish (11|) I'm not happy with my answer for 52 Is Arnie the governor...
Please can you help with the last 3 fruits 2 is it a drink or a sport? country crafts 18 red lads give this a ride 21 Chair legs a speciality (can it be as obvious as a carpenter) no number of letters...
I an absolutely stumped on the last 3 and have been googling for ages These are lyrics from seasonal (Christmas type songs) No number of letters or words given 85 Wake up don't you know it's time to...
Please can you help me finish these two quizzes? Help for heroes Whose dog was called Keeper? Confectionary 18 Mixture from a root (9 8) 32 Musical sweet relief (5) 33 Cruel giggles (8) 48 FAst turn...
Stumped on the last 4 - Please can you help the answers are all birds 20 Circumnavigated the world (5 4 8) 56 Sounds like a party game ?(7) 70 Arouse cat from sleep ? (9) 72 Gladiator Maximus sounds...
Mid Life madness Christmas quiz
5 HHM Beetle
30 Could she be related to Chuck!
Matlock and District Situation Comedies
19 Spiral
Would be so grateful for any help...
We are hoping to go to Scotland - Fort William/ Glencoe areas at end of May beginning of June.
Can you recommend any local letting agencies in the areas...
I got pushed off the first page very quickly last night and I'm still struggling with 2 answers and one connection - please can you help? 23 Home for Firelighters (8) 41 Blues Legend (3 5) 50...
I'm struggling with 3 answers and one connection - please can you help? 23 Home for Firelighters (8) 41 Blues Legend (3 5) 47 Pavarotti meets James here (6 5 5) 50 Connection (5 10) - World...