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granny grump

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granny grump
The answers are related to drinks and include wines beers cocktails spirits soft drinks some associated phrases and a few songs. A few answers are Scottish-related, Some brand names are also...
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granny grump
The answers are ditloids but no number of letters given Please can you help? 15. M of the E U 26. D, F of S 62. G S for Q B 2. W D M a R 1085. D B M From [email protected]...
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granny grump
Has anyone used this company to lower their bills. If so what was your experience and would you recommend them?
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granny grump
Last one please can you help - the answers are all TV shows 35. Smart & perhaps expensive clothing (3 4) Available from Diane Wakeling c/o 3 Lark Rise Hardwick Cambridge CB23 7XZ...
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granny grump
Last 3 please can you help Each answer is a breed a real animal or a fictional character 12. A Scandinavian giant? (5 4) 20. Toy made of bits and pieces (7) 29. Don't do this it's cruel(7) From Mrs D...
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granny grump
Last 2 please can you help Both are games 14. I'll give you no clue here (3) 32. My! 2 drinks for this game (3 5)...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following Answers refer to news words people & ideas used during recent “unprecedented times” 4. Many begin to question (4) 19. Groups that are not quite the real thing (7...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following the answers are related to Christmas 16. Commercial outlet for one month before (6) 21. Baby’s protector gets the French book (5) 39. Twelve at mother's southern...
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granny grump
We have watched 3 episodes of Nordic murders but cant seem to get the other episodes. Are they on a different channel?
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granny grump
I don't have a copy of this quiz a friend has asked me for help with the last one - a local quiz Each answer is a connected to Covid Woman will sound like a bell (9) Please can you help...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following Rhyming Clues 10. Woodwind Instrument (7) to Rhyme with Fairway 17. PartyNextDoor (6 7 10) To rhyme with Cook Strait Missing vowels 21. HVFLDDY 22. GTPT 28....
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granny grump
Please can you help 8. Drag it into mine (8) 14. Hopeful multitude (12) 17. Oranges lost their final (4) 18. Dirty Tumbler (7 5) (Something Glass) 24. A confusion of lies (5)...
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granny grump
Part 6 the answers are places on a tortuous route through uk whose names include shortened forms of personal first names. The clue is Noted for "early" rhubarb (9) The answer that I have does not seem...
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granny grump
Is paid sick leave a right of employment? I have a friend that works for a Scottish firm but works in Engand and despite having worked for them for almost 20 years is not entitled to paid sick leave....
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granny grump
Last one - please can you help Dingbat no. 1 A picture of an outstretched arm holding 3 bells that are ringing from Mr K Dunkerley 13 Chichester Crescent, Chadderton, Oldham OL9 0RW...
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granny grump
Down on the Farm - farming/agricultural words with vowels omitted 26. BSCPYMNTSCHM (5 7 6) 30. HRVSTRPRT (7 6) 31. CNTRCTRFMNGGMNT (8 7 9) 34. RRGTR (9) (IRRIGATOR?) 36, NTTLMNTS (12) 38. GRSSMRGN (5...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following Cryptic clues anagrams and general knowledge that lead to the title of a film that has won an Oscar for their music. 9. Ack or pip 32.Egypt 78. Ne me quitte pas...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following the quiz setter says think masculine 42. A currant (actual spelling) running back against the mainstream ( no number of letters) 69. A name sometimes applied to...
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granny grump
Does anyone who is doing this quiz want to swap answers I am stuck with 4; 5; 9; 12;14; 18; 26; 27;33;47; It is very difficult to describe the dingbats...
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granny grump
Please can you help with the following 4. Prince who likes to Bop (7 5) 8. Untamed award (5 5) 34. Old money - magical rabbit sings (3 5) 43. Presbyterians find her confusing (7 6) 67. She will take...

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