Please can you help with the following
The answers are all occupations - no number of letters given
1. Billy's partner
10. Do chips riot
20. Was grandpa in terrible state...
Struggling with the following - please can you help - answers are popular games past and present 17. Brewing ingredient not used for this spirit (9) 19. is this the postmans favourite game (4 3 6) 85...
Each answer has a connection to either Hand or Foot
Please can you help with the following
5. Weapon 2 words 7 6
12 Local finger protection 6
16. The best 2 words 4 6...
Answers are words where the last letter/s are not sounded eg thumb - no number of letters given
15. Pronounce judgement
18 Nearest seaport to France...
Please can you help with the following Dingbat 30) IN IN (First IN is solid black second IN is an outline) A word that can go at the end of the first word and the beginning of second word to make...
Please can you help with the following 6. Mark of a corporation (11) 19. Warm Scottish church (10) 30. Orchestra sending a message (7) 34. Fireplace on a heavyweight (8) 36 Well he's a famous bear (6)...
Last 2 please can you help Part 1 - What sort of creature has these epithets Small red and blue tailed Part 7 - the answer is a place en route through the UK Strictly speaking the tower is a dream...
Please can you help with the following - celebrities from past and present 6. Pond plant is key tool (Fern?) 15. Hillbilly Clampett at French sea with an unusual 29. Arabian nation decides to choose...
CLUES ONLY Types of Transport 3. Force one'sway in (5) 11. Half of a chocolate and marshmallow biscuit (5) 32. Empty talk meant to impress plus bulge out (3 3 7) 39. Sounds like an entrance plus able...
Last 2 please can you help
20. The black swan in Holborn and the black swan in York were linked by this (10)
39. A car that shares its name with a Slavic surname (5)...
This will sound really stupid - I know that my car insurance is due next month but I can't remember who it is with or find the paperwork. Other than wait for the renewal notice is there another way I...
Please can you help with the following Rhyming clues 2a. Walk or tramp about (7) (Traipse?) To rhyme with 2b. Liberty 1 landed here (6 2 3 4) 12a Move as a pendulum does (9) To rhyme with Orange Free...
Struggling with the following please can you help - each answer represents something to do with the Festive period -phrases; films; novels; titles or lyrics from songs or carols or 'whatever' 8. Oak...
Stumped on the following - Please can you help 13. Elbow found on lawn or clay (6) 14. The first stroke is firm the last a little delicate (5 3 4) I can only think of ‘Pitch and Toss’ But can’t...
Please can you help with the following 18a state a clergyman has returned A?E? 17d Naive person i name without money ?N?N?E?R 20d Is Susan right to be the publisher ?S?U?R 22d. Business not yielding...