Please can you help with 5. Masses of minute bits (4) Sand?? 21. Definitely doesn't stand high (4) 23. If gale erupts you need it (9) 26. Mail eccentrics can be amusing (9) 27. Sole shards combine to...
The first part is the name the person is usually known by, the second part is the birth name or former name of that person. Any help gratefully received Pictures 3. & 6 37. Outspoken activist for...
All the answers are things associated with the British Legion & Armed Forces Please can you help with the following? 6. Burst the pastry dishes (7) 24. Throw the mat back with eleven and laugh (6) 28....
The first part is the name the person is usually known by, the second part is the birth name or former name of that person. Any help gratefully received Pictures 3. & 6 11. This son of an Irish...
I am only too happy to help with questions if I bright and/or quick enough. I do find that it is moor awkward if the correct question number isn't given just 1,2,3 etc What do others think? I don't...
Please can you help with the following? 13. Cat's home at Lords (11) 20. A dale in a land locked country in Central Africa produces toys (4-6) 22. Sounds like one of the Cambridge five (5) 23. The...
Please can you help with the following? The answers are either National Trust properties or people associated with them 13. The square dancer's do-se-do in the Midlands (4 2 5) 17. a non drinker in a...
At a busy bus stop, a young Lady wearing a tight leather skirt was waiting for a bus As the bus stopped she realised that her skirt was too tight to get her leg up to the bus step With a quick smile...
Please can you help with the following? Clothes & accessories 26. No horn with this one (4) 37. Cyclists (5 7) 40.Wilde plus Yoko Retailers 1. Get wind of this fashion chain (7) Monsoon?? Transport 1....