Not sure if I have posted this in the right topic I have just received an email to say that USPS have been unable to deliver a parcel - they have attached a label to take to the post office - I havent...
I hope that I can describe them so they make sense 49. James James (The first James is large and in bold the 2nd James is smaller with two arrows one from the top and one from the bottom point at the...
I have had diarrhoea for 3 days . No other symptoms other than griping pains. I don't appear to have a temperature or feel sick but I need to go about every 30 mins. I have been diagnosed with...
Please can you help me finish - closing dates 30 April Rhodes Minnis Tree Quiz (No number of lettersgiven) 49 Unwell again 50 And Cream? It's all in the game Answers relate to sports games hobbies and...
Please can you help me finish - closing dates 30 April Rhodes Minnis Tree Quiz (No number of lettersgiven) 6 It comes out once a year 49 Unwell again 50 And Cream? 56 Atkinson perhaps It's all in the...
Answers relate to sports games hobbies and pastimes and also include some sports equipment playing areas events venues sporting surnames dances and songs 5. Shut out opener (7) 10. two spirits - gosh!...
Last 4 Please can you help? No number of letters given 9. Did the crooked man walk here? 16 Red wine accompanies Irish man (port Patrick?) 23 A shoe misspelt- I know that it must be an anagram but...
I notice that there has been comment regardign asking for answers to the above quiz on this sitre already and people have commented that the the quiz setter Vickie Newey has asked that we don't ask...
OH is cleaning up a utility room for a friend and the tiles have what appears to be no more nails and tile grout on them. Is there any way to remove this witout damagibg the tiles too much ?