Plant, trees and herbs19) a picture of an elderly couple and a daffodilConnections38) Carbuncle, Smother, Flaunt, Season Miscellaneous 50) Find the deliberate mistake on page 1for those that are... ...
Please can you help with the following - celebrities past and present. No number of letters given 12. He earned banjos sort of - for a dance strictly speaking 13, Football teams get 3 points ... ...
All the answers are 6 or 7 letters long Please can you help with the following? 9. Up above the trees and houses (7) 53. From Sesame Street loves q69 (6 7) 65. It is a picture of the top of a word... ...
Royal Smirk with no substance, initially found in capital (5,4) Rod says there's no sign of Maggie May here - catch the train (4,6) Welsh vote he turns - by 3 points (3,3,8) Scottish tell about sauce... ...
Connecting words before and after Please can you help with the following? 19. Hot Tomato Brown (5) 28. High Low Moderate (11) 30. Box Cricket Tennis (5) 44. Star Jelly Pie (4) 48. Writer Busters Story... ...
Please can you help with the following 12 Green and 21. XMAS NOEL speech bubble from XMAS(I'm damp with perspiration) speech bubble from NOEL (Me to) 42. 1. Xmas Struck 2. Xmas 3.... ...
Dingbats Please can you help with the following 7.looks like 8 stick me radiating from 1 head. The head is shaded in and one of the bodies is blacker than the rest 22.Looks like a baby's rattle... ...
1. On the left column - an & sign on top of the letter D and on the right column - the letter B, on top of the word LICK written 3 times downwards, on top of the letter M. 2. Sol... ...
All answers are Christmas phrases Carols or Songs and are Dingbats No. 3 It looks like a blow up Santa with no arms or legs leaning from bottom left corner to top right corner Cheers everyone
Had a bad fall a week ago - ambulance to hospital did all normal checks legs moving ok after 5 hours in A&Ewas able to walk out with 2 sticks. No Xray or scans. Was already on dihydrocodeine for a... ...
struggling with Section 4. What is the connection? 38) carbuncle,smother, flaunt, season 40) Kiss ,ten ,treasure, times 41) Rhonda, plexus , gaudi, grover Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
All manner of games. 1.Snitch on the cow (6) 2. Stand alone (9) 3.Knockout opera (6) 4.Blacken fizzy drinks (8) 5. Listen a nd respond (5, 4) 6. Turned into ruin (8) 7.Fresh buzzer (7) 8.Scare the french... ...
Trying to get Dec quizzes out of the way.In the middle of a move, recovering from knee replacement and trying to get ready for Christmas. PLease can you help with the following 9. Searching... ...