the first two are kids programmes 1. not much done in this place. 2. fruit joins the biscuit. 3. not feeling well, see him ! 4. we depend on this for life. I'm really stuck, hope someone can help,...
all answers relate to scottish songs........ 1) What was Jock to stop doing 2) What loch could be drunk dry 3) Meandering in the twilight 4) It sits in the shadow of Ben Bhraggie 5) By Tumnel and Loch...
I have had the answers for the motor neurone disease society returned but alas no new quiz enclosed. Also this happened to kettering samaritans quiz ?1 coin gone but sae used to send answers only....
I've just received some books in the post. The Collins English Dictionary and The Collins Thesaurus A-Z, so I've obviously some crossword or competition. But, I can't think for the life of me which...
I am really stuck on those , do hope you can help me. 1. was she the saviour. 2. did rapunzel give her address as this. 3. three shades of flowers. 4. the klondikers were told this. 5. a bride could...
Help needed with 2. Add two points to shortened very short time. 14. Examine thoroughly, chapter. 35. A novice with part of the foot. 47. Young inexperienced players, base. 100. Add the seventh letter...
Hi !!! I am wondering if :- a) I am the only one doing this quiz or b) If there is some sort of embargo on it or c) If fellow quizzers have moved elsewhere? I have posted a few questions as the...
can anyone help me with the following: 19 Botanist and geneticist who pioneered the breeding of hybrid rust-resistant strains of wheat. 36 The first British prime Minister to visit Canada. 41...
150 questions with some pictures and logos ?1 Closing date HGFSA Hitchin Girls School Highbury Road Hitchin SG4 9RS Obviously schools have broken up now for hols but it was advertised on here so maybe...
can anyone please help me with this one clue 1. a hammer. and this one ..60= M in a N M. thanks. p.s. thank you for all your congratulations for winning the wragby quiz it was very nice of you.
Can anyone help me with these few? 63. Leader of the pack? 70. Confused lecturer in "Seychelles" 73. Run, run you can't catch this man! 76. Quads, no girls 80. The barcode one I have found this quiz...
I have only managed to find half of the answers my cryptic brain has siezed up, please help even clues will be a big help. 4. something that is nearby, a drink, the french. 8. take the place of the...
Boy! what a hard one this has been. I have just a few left and would appreciate any help/clues please. For those not doing this quiz answers are groups with front men ie Cliff Richard AND THE Shadows....