I live opposite a young Lithuanian family who party hard at their home all bloody weekend EVERY week. I have to work silly shifts and can't cope with the constant barage of bass from their very loud...
My parents and I have been going through a bit of a tiff, and after we resolved it all, they kinda receded and were really helpful and kind. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a little gift I...
I just need the answer to this question to complete the quiz. All the answers are either board games, party games, ball games, card games etc., Local bank No indication of the number of letters in the...
im a starters chef.... i work alot with tuna, salmon and prawns. i was my hands all the time. but at the end of a shift no matter how hard I srub i can still smell fish on my hands, any suggestions to...
Have just bought my first Sunday Telegraph since they stopped the prize crosswords. Is anyone else disappointed with the prizes on offer? For a start - only one prize per competition, no runners-up...
My 8 year old son's homework is to write a verb for each letter of the alphabet. Obviously some are easy but we could do with some inspration for the 'difficult' letters, any ideas? (It's a bit sad...
I posted a letter by first class recorded delivery on Tuesday and it still hasn't arrived by today (Saturday). I spoke to an extremely unhelpful lady at the Royal Mail who just kept repeating "it's in...
Does anyone know anywhere I can get offers or vouchers for Alton Towers? My kids want to go but I begrudge having to pay so much, especially as I won't be going on the rides. Thanks
Someone has tried (Twice now!) to break into our house, once in broad daylight and once at 11.30 at night. We have an intruder alarm but obviously that doesn't deter them! We have security lights too!...
At a House & Gardens Fair in Sussex recently we bought a marvellous little torch costing ?4 which contains neither bulb nor battery but works by cranking a hand lever to produce the energy to fuel...
I have just sucked up a big spider with my hoover. I am very scared of them and my boyfriend is not here to empth it for me. Will the spider crawl out when I turn the hoover off or is it likely it...
have decided on a few choices for my "first dance" weeding song, but really like to know what you guys had or would suggest as a lovely, different song for the bride and groom's first dance? Words of...