I want to find a price list for a rail card (pay in advance for the year or a percentage off) to go from York to Leeds. I have searched for two hours now and cannot find what I am looking for and I am...
Hi ya, I amy have a new job but it is in Chesterfield- does anyone live there or have lived there? Does anyone know what it is like. I am 21 and am wondering if its a little to quiet for me. Would...
The other day I managed to contract 12 trogans and I managed to remove them but every time I clean my computer I keep getting VX2 coming up. I know it is a virus but where is it from?, what is its...
I have rented a two bed terace with my partner for two and a half years and just recently we had a leak in the roof - although the house clearly has damp everywhere. So we contacted the landlord and...
If you haven't seen it then see it and tell me what you think.... I thought it was very good and quite scary - nothing really bothers me but this did....
I am taking my B/F to Las Vegas for his 30th birthday next year - planning ahead. And I am wondering roughly how much spending money to take with us. I have never been abroad before and a little stuck...
I have just bought two copies of this single from Australia and was wondering what the chances are of them being numbered?. This was a HMV only release in 10 inch and is so limited that the compnay...
I know that he satrring issue has benn mentioned but why is it people can choose the name ******** and **** for they're names and we cant say Crap in conversation?
Helloo all, I am decorating a friends living room as a suprise but the sofa is green - will not go with the color scheme and I am on a tight budget. Any ideas for cheap re-upholstering or throws - but...
Park catalogues/hampers - I can not find the website for it at all and have been looking for about an hour - its either me being dense or its no where to be found. I have found it before but forgot to...
My daft boyfriend cooked a pizza but forgot to take off the polystyrene base - we didnt realise and have eaten said pizza and base - an hour or so later I am feeling very sick - am I going to be very...
Hey there - does anyone know the song that is being played whilst the girls are in the club in this episode? - I know it and cant think of it. This episode was on tv last night, the one with Bon Jovi...
Hi guys, I recently bought some Lenny Kravitz tickets but am unable to go now and want to sell them on - does anyone know where I can sell them other than EBAY? Thankyou
Hi, I work for a major high street record shop and have done for a few years now. I absolutley love my job and am crazy about music but I am unsure of where to go next. I would like to stay within the...