What's the best film scene ever filmed in a bar/pub setting? There are of course many to choose from, but for me it would have to be Goodfellas - "Billy Batts get whacked".
http://www.whoshouldyouvotefor.com/ try this site for an idea of whose policies fit you best (ps. I reckon its a lib dem stitch-up as everyone in our office came out as that!)
I see most questions are about the election now...sorry to bore you further! What happens if, for example, Labour win 250 seats and the Tories win 249? Do Labour win, or is that too small...
it playd in most matches but mainly international sounds like it being playd but trumpet or sumin.. it slow.. durr durrr.. durr durr.. durr durr durr durr da dad aaaa da da daa da da da daaa da da da...
i want your opinion about the actors that you like the most and the respective movies you think they gave the performances of their lives. For me i think it was Edward Norton in 25th hour, Denzel in...
Can any of you settle an argument. Is daylight saving (i.e. putting our clocks back and forward an hour at different times of the year) exclusive to the UK or does it happen in other countries?
Was pleased to see Scotland competing in a game again, Although we were done by Two perfect free kicks. Starting to have a wee bit more hope for the future again.
This may sound like a stupid question, but does anyone know how you become a football agent because I would really love to be one but I have absolutely no idea of how you become one?
Can anyone help me... I have tried explaining how he old in-laws and relatives system works to my other half many times, but no matter how many times I tell him who will be who to us both after...