completely stuck on bottom left these would be a help suggestion about thousand joining disorderly advance (12) b-e-----o-g- keen sort not bothered over temperature in city (5-2-5) -t-- -- --e-t...
ruin test a medic arranged, being wild 10d
think it should be undomesticated -- ruin test a medic -- but there is only 1 d and can't fit the r in
say nothing to stop more uninhibited student (7)
I have f-e-h--
stuck on bottom left
Also opening of cinema formerly with a large screen
I have canteal but do not know that work...
stuck on final 4 further from initial source (4) a-s- pathetic pieces of work that arent even engraved (8) -r-t-h-d influence is held by established writer (8) e-s---s- man apprehending sneer changed...