Morning. 30a Give TLC to daughter after month over with nothing from abroad. _ E _ R _ _ _ D and 18d Philosophical method actor playing in ortholographical reassurance (8) _ O _ _ _ T _ C. I don't...
Any explanations greatly appreciated. 14a Film director of the 20s - sound's first incorporated by end of decade (8) _ C _ R _ _ _ E and 12a Expressing disapproval, after all, is no good (7) T _ _ _ _...
22d Oppressive atmosphere created by girl's mother 6 ?i???a 25d It's something to put son on really attractive photo 4 ???t 13a spoil is soil with a letter missing 3 m?r is this mir. Thanks
Just two left - 16d What might be seen in an aviary perhaps - R?P?. 23d Left supporter's badge on floor - P?N??. This will be only the second time I've completed this crossword! Many thanks in...
1a, 29a,19d (6,6,7) One phrasing marked unconventionally G - R - R - / - A - - - Y / - - P - I - S ( I have lots of individual words but no phrase - could it be i another language?) HELP please
still only about halfway through so any help appreciated: 12ac anne's distraught having broken valuable type of vase featuring love lyrics (9) _ _ _ _ E S _ N G 25dn handful of scots getting drunk in...
And finally all you helpfiul people 13d prophet, for example, coming into shore, adrift [10]18a Girl heading for Karachi a on busy train [7] 26a Try to catch words of approval [4,4] Something hear
18 down Passengers ultimately facing trouble at airport tarry, maybe (8) - A - L - R - - 30 across Sauce for fish always served at noon? - O - N - - Anyone any ideas? Thanks.
help please 1a recently stolen items,things of outstanding interest 3,5 ???/???F? 12a keeps that man's heroin and cannabis 7 ends in h 13a pop has injection after 12 (7) P?T????pa? 21a captain jack...
Really stuck this week can anyone help get me started please ?
2d Properly assembled furniture shouldn't appear unstable (4,1,5,5)
13d Child left unfolding plaits (9)
Thanks again.
Just some verification! I want to know if what I have is right thus far, please! DOWN: 5. TA?O????D? 9. R?A???I?? 13. D?L???A? 20. ??L??A?? 26. ?E??BT? 30. ?P??E? 31. ?T??E? ACROSS: 17.ST??E...
Some help for the following, please! ACROSS: 14. Tailless bird with a name of a botanist(7): ??NN?D? 16. Grave-digger losing gold in waterfall (4): FL?? 24. Opponent(no amateur) wearing Scottish...