A break from all the excess... 21 down Felt mineworkers upset Chinese people(6) NU??AH. Get the NUM and felt bit - is it 'Numdah'? 22 down Measure to cover fish - with earth?(6, two words) ?EE?IN 28...
10 ac finance sport with old money (4) ?U?? 17ac During cut in coke supply, hard to bottle it ( 7,3) ?H?C?E?OUT (?chickenout) 8d Jogger may start to go naked (5) N???E 19 d Radios administrative body...
15a Bound to give head to Brenda (5) c???r. Brenda is usually er but I just cant see what fits. 46a Tongue of opera diva over quivering hams (8) ???h???i . I think we need an anagram of hams and the...
am struggling with this 7ac secret service of a kind (9) 11 ac As is proper stand up for a lady (8) 2d times' up one finds :a short interval (8) 6d Looks frightening and is clearly unstable (9) 9d a...
Only two needed to complete but I am stumped. 9a. One involved with accident-prone dramatist (6) I have P-N-R- 26a. Inventor placed communion plate by starting place (8) I have PUT-N-E- Thanks in...
foul smelling watery discharge from wound or ulcer i-a-r herbacaceous plant or small shrub such as the sage grown mainly for their medicinal or culinary properties - -L-I- TWO CONTIGUOUS EGG SHAPED...
22 across, clue: Eastern truck allowed out (6). I have: ???A?T To be allowed out is an "exeat", Eastern is usually "E" or it could be the name of a vehicle such as a "putput". Help please.
24dn ?I?L?T A small tool for boring holes by turning it by hand. 6dn O?A???MS Books of private devotions 13ac ???E?T Of a dye,fixing itself without a mordant 4dn A?O?AL Away from the mouth
I'd be grateful for any help with these cryptic clues. Bring back singular French city and harbour (8) Germany's light attempt at lyricism (8) Doris the writer's absorbing adhesive material: they may...