Does anyone know of a website where I can buy just a track of a piece of classical music rather than a whole CD of other bits I don't want. I used to get my tracks from I-Tunes but the older version I...
I suddenly find that I can no longer buy music from I-Tunes as they are saying I have to upgrade to the latest version first (I am using Version 7) I tried the latest version but did not get on with...
Please can anyone help. I have an Ion Tape 2PC which converts my tapes to I-Tunes and since I have upgraded to I-Tunes 9 each piece of music now converts at such a slow rate it is hardly worth doing....
Does anyone know why I-Tunes deletes items I no longer require but they do not appear in the Recycle Bin. This is a problem which has only occurred very recently as they were previously sent to the...