"The Prince of Wales was beamed in Star Trek-style for his first appearance as a hologram when he delivered a powerful speech on the environment to the world's leaders before vanishing into thin air....
"The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency risks becoming "a complete laughing stock" after it emerged nearly 40% of motorbikes were untaxed, MPs have said. Evasion rates among all road users rose to 5%...
I notice you litter most sections with 'AB asks' questions. These are usually the same as questions that have been asked a few posts earlier by someone else. Why not give AB Asks a section of its own?...
Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for a ?1.7 million Government clerical error after it emerged that nearly 100 Armed Forces veterans had received pension overpayments. The Ministry of Defence (MoD)...
Do you think Sharia Law courts in Britain are a great idea, just what is needed to ease the burden on legal courts, not medieval and not sexist? "Islamic courts meet every week in the UK to rule on...
Israel has carried out the successful test launch of a long-range, ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, in what was intended as a clear show of strength to Iran....
But do you think it could have just run out of fuel? The fuel tanks in a Boeing 777 are in the wings which were extensively damaged, but no fire occurred. The engines shut down 20 seconds before...
"Surveillance cameras do little, if anything, to prevent late night alcohol-fuelled crime and violence on Britain's high streets, the country's most senior police officer in the field has admitted. He...
In the near future, we will not go to stores like Woolworths to buy DVDs we will download our films on-line from the likes of iTunes. Just as the decline of CD sales has followed the downloading of...
Marks and Spencer has launched an investigation after a customer claimed a Muslim shop assistant refused to handle a Bible she was buying. "It took me a while to realise what was happening and I felt...
A murder case is to be heard in secret after the prosecution said it could harm National Security. The defendant wanted it heard in open court. His defence names other people who he thinks could be...
While Bush blames Iran, he should look no further than Saudi Arabia as the real financiers of muslim terrorists. "President George W Bush will face a frosty reception today during a visit to Saudi...
A US study yesterday claimed that at least 121 Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans have been implicated in a killing in the US since returning from combat. The report by the New York Times also found...
Last week Iran said the audio on the video of the ships being met by speedboats was 'fabricated'. A US Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman said the "allegation is absurd, factually incorrect...
Over the past few months you have added various buttons and whatnot that give AB more functionality. I have also noticed, that they tend not to work. Here is my wish-list for new buttons that don't...
Tony Blair believes a peace deal in the middle east is achievable. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7182432.stm Can a lame duck US President, a deeply unpopular Israeli Prime Minister and the man who...
Rates of admissions to accident and emergency for problem drinking and the number of patients seen by consultants for alcohol-related illnesses have both doubled....
Pope Benedict XVI says football has a crucial role to play in teaching young people the important lessons of life - honesty, solidarity and fraternity. The German-born pontiff is said to be a fan of...
A new generation of nuclear power stations is expected to get the formal go-ahead from the government later. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7179579 .stm Can we do without them? Is there an...