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2 d small tower (6) - U - R - - 21a dormant state (7) L - - - N - Y many thanks...
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68d mythological giant (5) A - - - S 80 a seaside resort (6) - - R - - N 114a the facts are not important (2,4,2,2,3,) B - / T - - - / A- / I - / M - Y many thanks for your help...
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24a grows bored and impatient with what americans put on their cars (5) T - R - S is it tires or tyres?...
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21a ephemeral quality (10) T - A - S - E - C - 31d be entirely familar with (4,6,3) - - - - / - N - I - E / - - - 40d relishing a challenge (11) - - - - - T - - - - - 63a thankless (10) - - E - - - A...
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16a singer is in a real to do (4) - - -O 20a boy accepts correct to clear up (8) - - - G - T - N 22a thousand abandoning extreme "new" city (6) - - T - R 17d fabric to entice with kiss (5) -...
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oops missed one 117d required achievement (4) N - R -...
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75 a provide (assistance) (6) R - N - ER 96a call (4) N- - - 106 a resign (4,4,) - - - - / - O - N 116a nevertheless (4,2) - - - - / - O 97 d get working (8) - - - - - - T - 89d high pitched sound (5)...
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just the one more 14d robust (6) - I - I - E...
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I'm not doing very well this week with this x word. :0( 16a very small (4,4, ) - I - - / - - - E 13d declare to be true (6) - - - E - T 14d robust (6) - - I - E 45d personal possessions (8) C - A - TE...
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8d application (5) - S - G - 15a beaten path (5) - R - I - 19a electrical resistance units (4) - - M - 16d become warmed (3.2) - - - / u - many thanks...
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13d plant of the bean family (5) - E - C - 7d reported (10) - O - - - A - - S - 22a hereditary (6) A - - 0 - - 62d useful facilities (9) - m - - U - - E - many thanks as always for your help...
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2d optical effect, used to brinn a new scene (4,2) - A - E / - N 19a dick powell and david niven both hosted ---- Star playhouse (4) - O - R thanks...
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20d a musical piece for beginners - rea ly obvious (not difficult orchestrations) R - N - O thanks again...
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9a example in position (8) I - S - A - C - 11a send round objects (4) E - D - 8a shape of round little girl (4) - - - - 2d move of in a cirecle wirth a sawn of gun (7) R - - - L - E 3d soldiers left...
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105d stiff bristle of grass (3) A - N
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singer and former x factor contestant (4,4,) LSLRMOYU thanks again...
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4d On olypmic programmes, it's run up for athletes, on gardening shows, its a sort of iris (4) - L - G 22a Scene of showjumping on TV (7) O - Y - P - A 24a precious stones belonging to Miss reid ?...
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8d brick made from mud and straw (5) A - O - E 62d foolish person (6) N- T - - T 71d dismay (5) A - P - L 82 d hereditary hindu class (5) C - S - E 2d sharp cracking sound (5) Is this splat or split?...
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10d fine white clay (6) - A - L - N 38d slender glass tube (7) P - P - - TE thanks again...
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62a vitality tablet (3,4) A - - / - - - L 63d private (6) - - - - R - 68a Study assidouosly (4) - - - T 46d anticipate (3,4) - R - / E - - - thanks again for any help...

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