New quiz available called A Quizzmas Quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Closing date 31st January 2022. £1.00 for quiz, but Donations happily received. We have been doing these quizzes for...
Sorry Quizzers there is an error on question 10 of this quiz. Computer cannot spell.!!
Question 10 should read as following
10. Where do the Red Lichties come from ? Appologies to all....
Thank you to all who took part in Find the 'IMP' Meaning for Macmillan Cancer Support. The total amount raised was £238.00. The Winner drawn from the 'Hat' was E. Barton from shoeburryness, Essez. New...
New quiz now available called Find the "IMP" Meaning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. £1 per sheet. by e-mail from please pay on return copy or by post to : Jeanette Gibson, 7,...
Macmillan Cancer Support quiz called 'Facts Can Be Fun' closig date 31st May 2021. Minumum Donation of £1.00 per entry. available by post to Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth,Perthshire, PH11...
New quiz available called "Do You Know" in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support £1.00 closing date 31st March 2021. Please pay on return copy. E-mail to Please note though, that we...
I have over the past three weeks I changed from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and I think some people think that their e-mail request has gone astray, I will be pleased to send out new e-mail requests since...
New quiz available from 1st December 2020 closing date 31st January 2021. Dances or Related to Dancing. £1.00 per quiz sheet. available from Jeanette Gibson, 7, Cairns Park, New Alyth, Perthshire....
New quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support available from 1st November 2020 closing date 31st January 2021 called Dances or Related to Dancing. £1.00 per quiz. By post enclosing an s.a.e. and...
New quiz available called Antiques and Collectables in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Colsing date 30th November 2020. Minimum Donation 50p per entry. Available by post to : Jeanette Gibson, 7,...
New quiz available from the 1st July called Discover the Flower or Plant in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Each quiz Sheet is 50p but Donations over are always very Welcome. by e-mail to:...
Appologies quizzers Definitions quiz is available from 2nd April 2020 Closing date 30th June 2020 Macmillan Cancer Support. 50p minimum Donation. by e-mail. by post Jeanette...
New quiz available from 2nd April 2020 called Definitions ? in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Minimum Donation of 50p per copy. by e-mail on a please pay on return copy or by...
New quiz available for Macmillan Cancer Support called "Cats and Dogs". Closing date is 31st March 2020 each quiz is a minimum Donation of 50p. 30 Questions to Answer. Available By e-mail from...
Neq quiz available called Musical Theatre in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Closing date 31st January, 2020. 50pence per quiz available by e-mail : or by post enclosing an...
Thank you to all who took part in the A to Z of Animals, Birds & Fish quiz. The total amoun raised was £211.00. Out of all correct entries, a draw took please to establish a Winner, and the name of...
Many thanks to all who supported this quiz in aid of Macmillan cancer Support. It is very much appreciated. The total amount raised was 176.00. Winning entry drawn was Sheila Low from Dufftown...
New quiz now available called A to Z of Animals,Birds & Fish. Macmillan Cancer Support. Closing date 30th September, 2019. 30 questions. 5Op minimum Donation, per quiz. By post: Jeanette Gibson, 7,...
Thank you to all who took part in the Sounds The Same...But... Quiz in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. We had 109 quizzes returned for marking, and out of those 36 had all correct answers. A draw has...