1a. Old silver coin seen in special case time and again (6) S-E---. (shekel?) 7a. My eccentricity sows in old-fashioned thong (4) --RE. 28a. Publicity put about after leader's sacked, European...
5d. Delay follows headless golf-course back (10) -N--L-----.
6d. Large stove Dad put on first for extravagant feasts (6) -G--A-.
Many thanks in advance........
1d. Stop Labour only if the leader's replaced (4) C-R-. 24d. Singer supporting note that expresses annoyance (4) -R--. 28a. Scoff as a joke is delivered by a dictator (6) -N-E--. Off the pace...
20a. No date attached to vehicle with horses overridden once (8) --RR-YN-. 31a. In Scotland Bill is seeking legal judgement (6) L---NG. 34a. Ayr's smooth fellows given a going-over (4) --OD. 20d. Be...
1a. Quite young kid to join forces (7) --T---Y. 10a. Lucan, eg, is rattled leaving city area used for banking (9) --A---LI-. 29a. Recently found in old records,-should encourage respect (7) -P-AT-S....
11a. Chief scoundrel we found in Glasgow (5) R--OO. 12a. Part of plant offering unusual camouflage, fine silver being invisible (7) -A--O-E. 12a is I guess an anagram of 'camouflage' minus...
Struggling today
7d another berk rendered forlorn (11) ??a????????
25a shortage of love and hate oddly reversed (6) d???t?
2d advantage when prepared (5) a????