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anotheoldgit 4/Schools-bar-parents-sports-day--paedophiles. html We all agree that our children should have the maximum protection which is possible, without...
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Chief Constable Sir Ken Jones. Here is his sentence... 'The promise of reform which the Green Paper heralds holds much for the public and Service alike; local policing, customised to local need with...
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Electric Radio, the taxpayer-funded radio station (by and for inmates) has won awards at the annual Sony Awards for the radio industry. Should they even be allowed one? The prison governor has...
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So how long before they start ritual beheadings and stonings? should local councils create proper punishment areas, or could ritual floggings become public entertainment? I mean half time at the...
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'The legal advice we have received indicates that the British National Party's constitution and membership criteria, employment practices and provision of services to constituents and the public may...
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1Which 4 English league clubs have a fixture which are altered due to different sporting events. 2 Which 3 top flight wembley winners of the 1980s will be playing in the Blue Square Premier League...
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Oneeyedvic m British Airways is asking thousands of staff to work for nothing, for up to one month, to help the airline survive. The appeal, sent by e-mail to more...
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Pondering the important questions of the world as I do at this time of the day I wondered how Rafa is feeling about Liverpool's financial woes ? They must have promised him plenty of spending money...
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Astronomers calculate there is a tiny chance that Mars or Venus might collide with Earth - though not for at least a billion years. m
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What was the song played at the very end of last night's episode when Alex was running through the hospital and the credits rolled?
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1Which British country was the first to give a black player a cap 2TRFC had one WBA have one, Blackburn have one as did Neighbours 3Danny mills won 19 caps for England what was unique about it (i...
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Mr Crow (of the RMT Union) claimed that at 6pm last night, an hour before the walkout began, agreement had been reached at the offices of the Acas conciliation service - only for a phone call from...
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Sea Monsters! Lock ness monster (Pleaseasor) champ(s) (Pleaseasor-brakeosurus mix) Tusotuthis (Giant squid) Tylasor (Floridas monster) Ogopogo(s) (Snake with flippers?) Meggy Pleaseasor (Real)...
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who preceded william 1
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As part of the reforms to Government should we make it a legal requirement for any party standing for election for the UK government to allow membership of their party to any UK citizen? No elected...
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What could have possessed a man to murder a pregnant woman and her unborn child? 886.stm
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It's 40 years since Armstrong said the famous line, he apparently claimed he said that it was "One small step for A man....". The tapes have been analysed and he definately said the former but...
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Being an everton fan Im gutted that we got beat today,but I just wont to say congrats to chelsea for winning the cup.
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The football season's over, so here are ten questions in other sports: 1 Which country's players have won most Wimbledon Men's Singles finals? 2 "Ladies should wear dresses, skirts or tailored...
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Hi all I was told Martina Cole's 'The Take' was going to be on Sky this month but I can't find the listing does anyone know when it starts please? Many thanks

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