Last one - 21 down(7) Trademark name of an athletic contest consisting of swimming, cycling and running a marathon with out a break Many thanks if you can help...
4 Down (6) Perennial European clover (Trifolium hybridum) widely
grown as a forage crop; pink or white flowers
Many thanks if you can help - last one!...
22A (8)" Like nothing ?S?L?N?O set down nothing" (Browning) 11D(12) Song about to unnecessarily mention a powerful old emperor ?H?N?R?G?P?A 17D(7) Man in short sword dance leap ?C?A?P?...
Guardian 25,232 Saturday 29th January
17 down (7) First time crime for Dawkins?
Have got ATHEIST but can't see why!
Last one - many thanks if you can help...
Am stuck on the last one - please help! 25 down (7) Mildly spiced S. Asian dish of meat, fish, etc. cooked with onions and tomatoes: Hindi, "two onion" D??I?Z?...