andyhuges I doff my cap to you for your threads, I even read them to myself in a chilled out kinda way, how come you can type a sentence and make it sound so calm and smooth? anyone agree?
Just sitting at my desk and was staring blankly at a spreadsheet, but suddenly started daydreaming about kissing (probably because I haven't for so darn long)... so anyway, what's the best kind of...
I`ve just watched the video to Push the button and I must say what a talented bunch of individuals they are, excellent choreography and lighting,good up tempo beat and some lovely hot booty style ar$e...
hullo! been away for a couple of days, nearly had to see my doctor to get over the withdrawal symptoms. good to see everyone happy and our imposter situashun seems to have died down! btw 1) g, I've...
Right people, I have been invited to a wedding reception this Saturday night and am assured that the pictures of the stag 'do was pleasing to the eyeand there will be lots of singleton blokes...
I'm sorry if i've offended you. No offence meant. But can nobody see my point about pondering on the past and worrying over things that are never going to happen?