Please could I have help on these 2 clues. (no letters given and answers are as near as possible to how they sound)
31. Wedding feast exists to a cuppa
32. Against woman -maybe!...
Sledge Puller (6.6) Not a poor man! (7.4) Toyed with huskies for sledge and Cash and Rich for not a poor man. Cannot find any references to Johnnie which would be the 7 letters. Any suggestions...
1990,s : Terrible paint job (5.2.4) 2000.s. Did she spine the discs? (5.3.3.) 2000,s She could sleep ina meadow (7.11) Ive scoured the Guiness album and must be missing the obvious. Thanks for any...
All the answers are snacks etc. Any suggestions gratefully received.
3. Len enters marine environment Ed leaves. (6)
10. Osprey turns with tern replacing pipit (6)...
No. 35. What were the golden apples of Greek mythology.? (8) There are so many myths and apart from Kallista which was inscribed on an apple I cannot come up with an 8 letter word which fits this...
Any help gratefully received. All the ansers contain the letters mont (no number of letters given)
Available in camel, charcoal navy and light grey....
Well known phrases linked by "and" The clues are in significant order and the following 2 should lie between sa and sh 58. A fishy spread. 59. very crisp and tasty Any suggestions gratefully...