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Hi, My partner is visiting me from Thailand, however he says he wants to visit disco's etc, and basically flirt with other guys, he says that it is ok and although he will not have full sex with them...
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Hi everyone, i need a new graphics card for my pc all i want it for is to mainly watch movies/dvd's and stuff along with the occasional game. Does anyone know which is the best to buy? i don't want to...
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My gas valve has gone on my potterton profile 50e boiler, could anyone please tell me as too what it will (roughly) cost to get it repaired. cheers kev
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People say that drowning has to be the best way to go, but i'm not too sure how people know this, i don't suppose that there is any "nice" way to go, but if there was what would it be? i mean drowning...
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I'm travelling to Australia and was wondering what would be the best option to choose. I 've also thought of just using my visa debit card, would it be accepted in Aus? Any help and advice would be...
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What is the best and easiest programme for joining avi files. Can it be done using dvdsanta?
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were does the dark go to when you switch on the light, what is darkness? Does it exist or is it an environment that is missing light?
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Does a shadow have a depth or thicknes to it, if so can it be measured
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I've recently bought a pc tower unit but it hasn't got any windows platform or anything on it. When i switch it on alls that appears is the c:\ prompt. I have windows XP that i wish to put on but when...
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My pc is in my bedroom however the telephone socket is downstairs, this means that when i want to connect to the internet i have to get out an extension cable. Is there any device i could use where i...
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I want to transfer my video collection to dvd, i've been told that i can do this but require a tv capture card? What is the best tv card to get, or is there another way of doing this.
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I've recently received my bank statement and noticed a debit card payment of ?99.95 has been taken, i can't recall buying any goods of that value. The name it was paid to is called TLC-AMA. Has anyone...
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What would happen to us all if the earth was pulled towards and then into a black hole. Would we all just dissolve to nothing??

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