I enjoyed this one up to the endgame. If I've got it right - and my answer seems to make sense in a couple of ways - then I found the message from extra words misleading. I'm a big fan of the... ...
An absorbing Christmas puzzle with clever use of the theme. I think I've submitted what they were looking for, but I'm happy I've incorporated all the elements. Some obscure words and some fine... ...
I really enjoy Brock's Listener puzzles, as they're packed full of quirky details to unpick, and this was no exception. The place I struggled was in selecting the thematic words, as there were... ...
We haven't had many this year which I would categorise as a "beast", but this one's among them. Brilliantly crafted, evil clues throughout, and lots of deception in the endgame - I loved it.... ...
Another complex multi-gimmick puzzle, but leading to an unambiguous result (although 10D also solves with the wrong gimmick). There's a lot of work that's gone into this, some of which I am yet to... ...
It's not my specialist subject, so I feel I made hard work of this one. Having said that, I don't see any other posts, so maybe it's just a very tricky one. A lot of different gimmicks, but there... ...
There's so little given away in the preamble about the mechanics of this puzzle, I can't really say a lot about it here. But there is a lot to say, and it's a very clever construction which led to... ...
A carte blanche requiring a high percentage of cold solving, as there were many unclued entries. Clues were very good, as always from this setter, and the puzzle came together with the theme, but... ...
A crossword of extremes for me. I love the theme and the very clever way it's been set. I don't love the thematic clues at all, though. I really appreciate the skill in setting them, and some are... ...
Numerical week, and this was pretty much on a par with the last few in terms of difficulty. It took a while before I could get started, but après cela, le déluge. Thanks, Arden!
Tough in the extreme, but very rewarding if that's how you like your puzzles. The combination of altered clues, altered entries, carte blanche grid and truly evil clues throughout made this the... ...
A very enjoyable puzzle to crack - many thanks, Quinapalus. So many original features in this one. The double/partial wordplay was an interesting idea. The only criticism I have is the huge scope... ...
A fun puzzle, which appeared daunting, but got rapidly easier once answers could be entered into the grid. The endgame was neat, and very little grid staring was required. Many thanks, Mozart! I... ...
Incredible! Easily my favourite Kea puzzle, and the best Listener so far this year. Just so rich in the theme and all the diverse gimmicks throughout. Thanks Kea!
A somewhat fiddly puzzle, involving altered clues, altered entries and a grid search, but it all works out unambiguously in the end. Many thanks, Ifor!
Another cracker from the master of the genre.
So much to enjoy - obscure answers, quality clues, and a tough jigsaw (of sorts) to finish. Thanks, Sabre!...
And Season's Greetings to you too, Lionheart. A bit of a monster, this one, with quirkiness all the way through it from soup to nuts. Not one for the purists, I'd guess, but I thoroughly enjoyed the...
A top quality multi-layered puzzle, requiring a fair amount of lateral thinking to complete, but which thankfully ends unambiguously. Many thanks, Yorick - that was one of the best of the year.