I've suffered from Migraine headaches for nearly 30 years. Same warning signs, disturbed vision, flashing lights, feel as though I've been hit on the back of the head and same numbness in the face,...
Sadly, it's been three deaths in 3 days :(. My younger sisters father in law, a close family friend and a work colleagues husband. It's awful.Feeling a bit low, has anyone got any good news?
I was in town earlier today with my niece and it was hoaching!! It occurred to me that I always try and stay on the left of paths, stairs etc. Is there such a thing as pedestrian etiquette? I know...
Following on and trying to get the flying bleeding pickets out of my head...what's your favourite Bowie songs?
I'm just going to hide my money under the mattress from now on, i've been on the phone for over an hour trying to sort out my e-banking registration going round and round in cirlcles with the...
1) Did you have a good Christmas and Boxing Day? 2) Do you have a hangover?? 3) What did you have for breakfast? 4) Is it snowing where you are? 5) Are you wearing fluffy slippers/novelty...