I had a boil come up on the back of my neck, it was really big and painful...it didnt actually burst just started going down on its own, the thing im worried about is theres still a little lump there...
If you were a cartoon dude (any it does'nt matter) wo would be your cartoon bird, or alternitively, if you were cartoon babe who would be your cartoon fella, or even, if you were a gay cartoon dude...
five weeks til the clocks go forward too! Off to work and it looks like it will be a glorious 'spring' type day whilst I am in the catacombs of the store! Appreciate the day for me guys!
............which is similar to a chain letter about drinking and driving? It contains a poem that is supposed to be written by a girl who has been hit by a drunken driver and is lay dying on the...
I hope you are all well. I have absolutely zero energy this morning and even less enthusiam. My usual dose of morning caffeine has failed to kick start me. Any ideas how I can get some va va voom?
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/21/20090210/tuk-ice-s aves-dumped-puppies-from-death-6323e80.html Why couldn't they take the pups to a RSPCA? IPoor wee things :(
To legend? Does anybody really know, as nothing seems to have been settled yet on his whereabouts or whether he still has an internect connection. The plot thickens!!
Does anyone out there know where legend has gone. icey and pasta seem to be his forthcoming holiday chums , but where is he, At least the early hours shift could be quite interesting.
Did anybody else get upset when Nestle bought out rowntree. None of my favourites taste the same anymore. Quality street were the highlight of christmas. I dont buy them anymore cos they are so...
Was over with the wife at her parents house for the dinner yesterday and after a lovely meal we went for and sat down in the sitting room. Some genius came up with the idea to play charades so we...
I have had a really lovely day today. My mum and dad came down for dinner and tea, and it was a really nice time. it was a shame about the football but at least they didnt lose. I am watching dancing...
When online...I've got one eye on the telly (dancing on ice), shopping for blinds, printing material out and enjoying a wee glass of wine What about you?