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I have been offered a ticket on the first Eurostar out of the new St Pancras on 14th November. My passport is years out of date and I am not sure but think I might need a current one. This has only...
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We have a 3 year old Greyhound whose breath could strip wallpaper! She is on a good diet, has bones and lovely white teeth no obvious tartar, Any suggestions to make her beath sweeter would really be...
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Can anyone help me set this phone to WAP before I throw it out of the window! Grrr Hazel
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Does anyone know where in the UK I can purchase an electric frying pan (sometimes known as a skillet). I have had one for years that I use all the time and now it's broken and I can't buy them...
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whats the name of the song that contains the lyrics "please forgive me I see that I've been blind....."
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I believe for every drop of rain a flower grows......
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What do you call a Chicken in a Shell Suit????
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A great place to stay for a couple of days in Norfolk with lovely beaches, self catering and great for two children under two. Any ideas?
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which american politician unsuccessfully campaigned for the democratic nomination, with the slogan ' give the presidency back to the people'?
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Yep, I'm obsessed with asking questions this week... Pointless Question Number 4... Anyway, is there a word for someone you live with whom you're not married or engaged to, so isnt husband or fiance?...

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