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If someone is moving into stay with you - why do the council ask for their previous address and what do they do with the information?
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What's the best file-sharing software around at the moment? I used to use iMesh but have recently found you can never find what you want. LimeWire just fills my PC up with spyware. Any suggestions?
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Whenever my iPod is connected to my computer, it permanantly displays the "Do Not Disconnect" symbol, even after being left connected for hours overnight.. Is this normal? Am I damaging it when I...
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I got an e-mail saying that MSN accounts are going to be deleted cos of to many people joining and that i should send the e-mail to 10 other people. I know it sounds like a chain letter but i just...
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Oor Wullie
Whats the average age of people posting on AB?
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can anyone remember a kids Tv programme that I seem to remember being about a mole and it was in a different language - german maybe? or silent? it was cartoon and featured a man who, if I remember...
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My friend calls herself a "food seperatist"! in other words she will not mix up food in her mouth. Ie: she wont eat cheese and biscuits but she will eat each individual item eperate. Food must never...
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This Guy Peter always talks to me on msn, he's from my graduating class. he's always so nice to me, but today i saw him and he was with his friendd and he looked at me and like ignored me when i said...
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Does anyone else remeber this classic kids programme hosted by Michael Bentine? I loved it to bits!!
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What is the song called from this advert? The one where its basically just lots of people in cars? Im not sure but I remember a bit where a man is crying in a car? The song goes something like 'i...
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Does any one else remember this film?
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Does anyone else believe the pentagon attack is a conspiracey?
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Jayney b
My car has recently been caught on camera doing 36 in a 30 zone. The car is insured for 3 people and although I have viewed the photographic eveidence it does not identify the driver. I truly cannot...
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What TV show in the US has been played on TV the longest? (This would include reruns)
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how do you remove duplicate files
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.......for this little website then? It has to be said the standard of your average question has fell through the floor on here and due to loads of the regular contributers being cheesed off and not...
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Does anybody else have favorite words? What are they?
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Im 14 and im think im inlove with my best friend. He has no idea, but he knows ive liked him before. Those feelings subsided over the sumemr from being apart for so long, but hes one year older than...
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I have a theory that American men pee sitting down. I have been to the USA several times and every WC pan which I have seen (in public toilets and in private homes) is designed in such a way that the...
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what is coaxial wire

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