18d permit in the course of a game r??????? 28a stopping unpacking the cases to switch it on ????????? 14a career ones unsuited for ????a? 9dits cut after for toast ?r????
Have finished crossword but can't see whole relevance of .... 6d Almost all thin cattle can fatten up on it (3) The only possible answer, if I've not messed up, is "Lea". I can see that cattle could...
16a developed in detail thus being realistic ?h?e?-d 19d another name for fodder plant lucerne a?f?l?? 27a low stool originally drum shaped ??b???e? 28a common active crab found on rocky shores ???l?...
Me eyes are dim ........ I thought that I'd finished, but my wife has just pointed out that I've missed 44a, 20d and 45d - 20d:sporting contest (5) ... I have e-e-t (for eczema, edit and tern). 45d:...
in what way will a low hill be found in the country? ?o? one tending hair with long wave ?o???r decline to decapitate a channel swimmer ??? the middle letter is the 4th letter in second clue
3d child creeps about inside,discovering what few know 3,6 ?O?/ boy?? 5d discarded as decreed4,4 something nisi? 15d going to put them with egg,in oven to cook 2,3,4 last word starts with m-on the...