found an interesting site earlier that had lots of discussions on this quiz. seem to have lost the site now. any idea how i can find it again please
found an interesting site with loads of comments on about this quiz earlier, but seem to have lost it.any clues on how to find it again please / / /...
i have an old quiz on the go, and wonder if anyone remembers it. am stuck on a couple of questions, no.43. mass transportationfrom Luke, amatei went off (4,7,8) and no.45. official report about...
thought i d already posted this queation but i cant find any sign of it . must have pressed a wrong button. no. 60. an anagram of 2,3,4th words (5,3,5) also no. 97 baggy, dishevelled, but in the pink,...
no.66 for one who shines as a horse-tamer.(6) have looked up horse tamers on google but still caNt get it also no.81. writer, nearly ten, amazingly, constructed this metallic plant (3,3,3,4.) keep...