I'm stuck on one clue 13 across "Stampede diverted with surrounding grass cleared" Certain letters I have are ?o?t. BOLT seems to fit but the surrounding grass bit has foxed me. Please help!...
Last one. 23a "Opposition leader in Duma is told to go" Seven letters I have D?S?E?T Is Dessert the right answer? Sounds like Desert (the verb) Where does Duma Russian parliament) come in? Are you out...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/g8-summit-begins-vladimir-putin-accuses-david-cameron-of-betraying-humanitarian-values-by-supporting-syrian-rebels-8661048.html Which would it be right to...
did anybody watch this programme last evening. i did and wasn't surprised in the least. I am pretty sure what the reporter discovered was only the tip of the iceberg. Do these people not consider when...
Can someone please explain why JITTERY is the answer to "Nervous judge I hear penning note" ? I got the answer by elimination and knowing that Jittery means nervous. but the judge bit and penning note...
Hello ABers, In mid June I'm taking my wife to Italy for 3 days break. we will use Pisa as our base and the first day we will be doing leaning tower, field of miracles and hopefully Lucca. On the...
Hi People. Answer 23 across is JOCOSE which means given to humour but could someone explain the link to Kent maybe? Is there a funny woman called Jose Kent? Help!
For 18 down I have either SCATTER or SPATTER for the clue "Broadcast namely by striking figure with book coming out" Please could someone indicate the right answer with an explanation? Please....
When I watch BBC TV programs via my Philips freeview recorder a box pops up asking if I want to watch in SD or HD. This occurs at the start of every program and I am brassed off with it. I have...