Every time I try to play music or a downloaded film via Windows Media Player it says "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because there is a problem with your sound or video device....
any help with the following would be welcome. 6a european freshwater fish related to the carp and minnow (5) 26a extremly hot type of green chilli pepper used in mexican cooking (8) 6d building with a...
1. 'Black Eyed Boy' group _ E _ A _ 2. Mafia boss _ O _ F _ _ H _ _ (9) 3. Slow moving creatures _ _ _ I _ S (6) 4.Of short duration T _ A _ S _ _ _ T (9) 5. Afternoon nap S _ E _ T _ (6) 6. Long...
could anyone help me with the following.... 1) large hill of central scotland featured in Macbeth? (9) 2) colourless odourless gasous element commonly used in electric discharge tubes?(5) 3)...
1) renaissance painter who gave his name to a reddish-brown colour? T?T?A? 2) old fashioned golf club equivalent to a modern nine iron? n???o?k 3)african antelope,...
Please help, driving me nuts.. 1)large french park located between paris and the river siene? 2) french composer whose works include three pieces in the form of a pear? anyone any ideas?