I have a garmin nuvi 42 satnav. The battery needs replacing. Although the device is being sold in the UK I don't see any sources in UK for suitable batteries, they only seem to be available in US and...
I have a garmin nuvi 42 satnav. The battery needs replacing. Although the device is being sold in the UK I don't see any sources in UK for suitable batteries, they only seem to be available in US and...
This is from a 15th century document in French. '...ses baghes, joyaulx, tapisseries,robes et autres habillements servants a sa personne'. I should like to have a translation of the second word,...
I have a Garmin 1410. First it lost all its maps though still gave some help eg actual speed. But now it's lost all its power too and won't boot up when plugged in to the computer or car. Anyone got...
A toy bird that looks a little like an ostrich, it continually dips its head into a beaker and then out again. Uses the phenomenon of capillary action I think to go on and on, apparently endlessly. I...
I used to have windows 8. When I added my mobile phone it would come up as an additional 'device and drive' and I could transfer photos etc. With windows 10 it doesn't connect at all. What can I do to...
There are two rulers on my word page. The horizontal ruler at the top shows all the squares, triangles etc and these can be manipulated to vary the length of script on the page, set tabs etc. But...
I'm on windows 8. When I open my recycle bin the page comes up momentarily then reverts to the start screen. How can I keep it open long enough to search and retrieve items?
All these clues have a transport connection in the answer eg Housework and carry (8) = dustCART 1/ Pick up a bargain here (3,4,4) 2/ Her Majesty's engaged for this flower (4,6) 3/ Sounds like I'm...
As a Koch snowflake perimeter increases iterally towards an infinite length, I am told that the area within the snowflake is always exactly 1.6 times that of the original triangle. But how can this be...
I want to add page numbers to the bottom of a multi-page paper. By using insert and add page numbers etc I can only get numbers on half the pages, ie the even numbered ones. How can I persuade my...
Prince Henry son and heir of James 1 predeceased his father and the next in line became Charles 1. Many years ago I read an 'in memoriam' in a newspaper stating that this prince Henry was also known...
bt internet, now btyahoo, have re-vamped their email system. OK that's progress I suppose. But now at the top of my inbox is a new message usually trying to sell me something I don't want. If I try to...
Using windows 8 and word 2013. I have just purchased a new font. This is sitting fair and square in the fonts file so I expect it to be available in the drop-down menu on the home page. But it isn't...