17a humorous [5] -a-t- 28a glasgow transport company [1,1,1] s,w,- 78a material used for balancing a ship [7] b-l-a-- any help with these would be great, think I may have gone wrong somewhere though!...
56d trespasser deterrent? (6,4) - - r - - - - - - r - 64d long ago? (4) e - - t 64a basque nationalists (1,1,1) 78a leave (3,4) g - t - - - - and finally 61a downcast (10) could this be distressed??...
Morning peeps! I wonder could you all do me a wee favour? Type Battle4bella in your search engine, go to home page, voting. Click heat 5 and vote vote vote for THE NOW. It's a friend of mine's son's...