spent a frustrating day trying to get the answers to 2d Continue look into projecting part thats pointed (7) I have P?O?R? and 15a first class student (8) I have R???N?E?. Any help will be much...
44a Not as simple as one might pretend 52a Using the same procedure repeatyedly (maths) 9 49d Gas barrier in pipe 1-4 Just can't think and would appreciate assistance please. Thank you to any...
9d Celebrations, entertainments, gifts or feasts especially whne paid for by another. (6) I have R?E??S. Must be simple but I just cannot see it. Any assistance much appreciated and thank you in...
Oxford college account for food and accomodation. B?T?E?S. I didn't go to Oxford so am a little lost. Any help appreciated. Thanks to anyone who answers.
8 down. 4 and 5 letters Tedius argument of reported Buenos Aires boatman. I have A?G? B?R?Y but can't get my head round this one. Any bright spark to help please?
34d Assumption of the diametrically opposed function 4.8
I have ?O?E ?E?E?S?L but just cannot find the answer. Any help would be much appreciated and thank you in advance
Stuck with three and any help appreciated. 25d One used by another for awkward task 4.3 might be I?T? P?? 39a Levy on dividends paid overseas 11.3 might be ??T???L?I?G ?A? 20d Custom of marrying...
Found it quite hard to-day and stuck on what might be two simple clues. Any help appreciated with 2d. Its yellow in the middle when white's on the ouside M?L? and 27d I name state mountain...
Any help please with 7d (8) a pond or aquarium fish. If 6a is correct - large burrowing mammals with black and white striped heads being MARMOTS then 7d begins with M 11a (9) more material or...
Help please with 10a (7) facility one half repaired before gangster left Italy 22a (10) controlling and making use of headland running round 20d (7) bird makes entrance after half day Thanks to any...
The last one is always the most difficult and/or fustrating !! I have probably got something else wrong, but help with 81A "most noticeable" would be much apreciated. Many thanks in advance !