33d)most direct route (7) 34d) olympics compeditor (7) 56d) arousing curiosity (10) and 63a) figure skating move (10) your help is always greatly appreciated
9 down not as good i?s???o?
23 across serious c????i?
35 down enter surreptitously ?n?i?t?a?e
83 across unobtainable ?n??a?l?a?e
87 down little man ?a?i??n...
4A english mathematition creditede wth conceiving the first digital computer ===b=== 14a having a particular key ==n== 15a french composer of the late baroque period best known for harpsichor music...
Good Afternoon Everyone, You may remember some time ago we asked you about which papers you like for crosswords and quizzes. No we'd like to ask you some further questions, here's why: We're currently...