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Everyone has a claim to fame - no matter how small or big, so whats yours? Mine is that I lived opposite Rod Stewarts sister when I was grwoing up (my parents still live there) and Rod used to park...
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what car was driven thorugh a drainage pipe to avoid a traffic jam
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Did you know that the guy who played the 'evil' terminator in the first Terminator film is the same guy that played the 'Goodie' terminator in the sequel! There was about 10 years between them making...
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Are reading glasses that are sold in supermarkets anby good. I don't want to pay out alot as I have had my eyes tested and they are ok. I find I have been reading numbers incorrectly.
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I am looking to create a copse in one of my paddocks (2 acres or so) which borders on a public footpath but to which the public have no access or right of way.Does anyone know of any organisations who...
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What programme would you have been watchin' if 'It's Friday'it's 5 'o' clock'and it's ?'
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The Rut
ive been given a 8 digit number by someone so we can chat on msn but i dont know how to use it i know its a daft question but im new to msn
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Which 'words of wisdom' did your Mum/Dad give you from a young age, and do you still stick by them?
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Wee Kaz
Just wondering how all you answerbankers choose your names? I know some of them are more obvious than others but some I have no idea :o) x
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does anyone know where i can download the lyrics to a song but NOT the music. cheers
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Last night, I was on the computer till the early hours typing answers which just wouldn't appear.... There I was crouched in front of the screen, Answerbanking away until I eventually succumbed to the...
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How does he do it? Every year this unfunny man re-appears on our screens with a new 'comedy' show. Does he have something on the BBC's Head of Light Entertainment?
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Miss Zippy
Why is a 'codpiece' so called? (I have tried to look this up for myself, but the search engines just throw back at me a myriad of obscure sites bordering on the pornographic).
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is there a decent site to chat on without encountering nerdy lol etc internet lingo kids
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How can I stop my cat being such a fussy eater? I feed her dried food. She'll start a pack with gusto, but start refusing it by the time I get halfway down the pack. If I switch brand or flavours, the...
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My E320 CDi belches smoke like an old bus.It's only done 60,000 miles and is 30 months old.Its worse when I pull away,it'sbeen fully serviced and Merc tell me its acceptable. It's embarrasing to leave...
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If I'm on a train, I sometimes look at people around me and wonder what they do for a living? Just wondered what people on Answerbank do for a living?
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My friend has a sense of humor so complex and obscure no-one else finds it amusing. does he have a good sense of humor? cos he thinks he does. Also what make funny, are their a few fundamental laws of...
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Daft as a brush. What brush ? where ? when ? why ? etc.
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I have alot of oil in my air filter on my 1990 fiesta,any ideas Thanks.

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