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HRH Rainier

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I have heard a rumour that Prince Rainier of Monaco died on Friday, but it will not be announced till tomorrow. Can anyone confirm this?
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Why do Catholic and Orthodox people have the same holidays, but at different dates? For example, Im Orthodox - and our Easter is not for another 2 weeks. Same with Christmas - Catholic on the 25th...
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i am getting a tattoo of a cross on my arm and im looking for  a good saying to have underneath it something religious like forgive us our trespasses can anyone help  
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Why does Britain use 240 volts whilst most of the other countries i know use 110 volts? Could Britain become twice as energy efficient if we halved the power output to run all our electrical...
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dave m
would u survive this if u jumped the millisecond the lift hit the floor.....this is drivin me insane!!!!

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