All answers have girls or boys names in film title 1. H????? A?? H?? S??????? 2. A???? H??? 3. A???? O? A T??????? D???? 4, T?? P?????? L???? O? E???????? A?? E???? 5. W??????? H??????? T? B??? J???...
Answer is a wild flower 1, A slow female donkey (8,5) 2, Country folk call this eggs and bacon (5,4,7) Advertising slogans 3. Is or isn't she 4. Priceless Numbers 5 1 P in a P T Many thanks
All the answers are creatures great and small I leave spicy sausage and hesitate (10) Strange clooted ear lobe (8,6) Birds seen in subtitles (8) Found in thriving numbers (3) Provide column (11)...
What did English racehorse's first experience in 1966? Which actress appeared in Harry Potter, Dr Who and Prime Suspect? 70's musical figure (2 words) CALPRPEEA A painting by which artist was sold for...
What comes next in the following sequences z, x, c, v, b, n ? HW, EH, HW, JC, MT, JM ? 1990 - SE, 1991 - MS, 1992 - AA ? A, T, G, C, L, V, L, S, S, C, A ? Many thanks
All the answers contain a colour Surrender emblem (5,4) A Lion invented it for the blind (5,5) A new recruit? (9) Slow sad songs or tunes (3,5) A seaman in the Navy (10) Past one end of the spectrum...
Soften copper on his round (7) ?U?H??? Severely reprimand swimmer and alien (6) ?A???T Get better work as an upholsterer (7) ???O??? Blue study to cause sorrow (6) S?D??? Many thanks for all help
All answers are related to Christmas and the Pantomine 1. Puts on a show 2. A burnt remain before endless style 3. Richard intelligence prefix not weight 4. Small neddy Many thanks