19 d. Hearing top foreign number, undaunted, Eurovision songstress timidly starts (7) I have inquest, and can only partly see why 20 d. Singer's inspiring front lifted, appearing cheap (3-3) I have...
Our parcels are delivered "care of" to a small local sub-post office and general store: either mr sloop or I drop in most days anyway, or they'll call us to let us know there's a parcel. On chasing...
//“Yes, he has a temper but he also has an affinity with horses and has worked in stables during his time on other court orders.// Absolutely priceless...
This one's been a right slog and roundly beaten on the last three 5ac Playing harmoniously, wasting hours with this support (7) -l-m--- 13ac What's down-at-heel Solti upset about? Not odd members of...
11ac Two ways round tackling complex issues in evening wear (5,5)
I have dress suits. I can see the issues anagram, and st for one of the ways, can't make it work otherwise.
Many thanks...
for a 50th birthday, ignoring the fact that irradiated food was then being mooted as the way forward, for those who missed tea at three let's have supper: I'm bringing watercress salad with Green...
I fully understand that it's the Ed's site and them's the site rules... ..just for clarity though, are there a generally agreed set of standards between various Eds and Mods about what is an...