Stuck on the last four...any help would be greatly appreciated 4d Is about to trade 100%. 10 out of 10? With capital more would want this...6 letters I have -d---- 5d Virtual basis for Dilbert's...
Can someone put me out of my misery with this please?
9ac Popular protest leads to convulsion 7 ????t?c
24ac Philosopher abandoning both extremes for very noisy derivative 4-3 s?i?-o?f
4d Polite and, if 0ne's mistaken, obstinately sticking to one's own views 4 - 11 Self ?????????????????????
12d Modern resort salesman turns up daily 9...
Last one! 52A: Make an organised military group (5) F - R - E. Presumably FORCE or FORGE but I can't square either with all of the clue. Help please and explanation.
Any help again please?
7dn. Kit's here, stupid! The man's a journalist 7-5 ???????-P?E??
10dn. Rule about little roomat first needing scrubbing 12 ??N?E?L?T?O?
Thank you...
Struggling hard today. 1ac Catcher accepts unfinished poem: don't talk to the messenger.12. ????g?????s? 25,26ac Change round in the morning: phone company books men to deride innocent victim....
Help with 24 ac & dn please? ac is: In Paris who's first to devalue our cash? 4. ??i? dn is: Treat this serpentine to make quartzite grill. 4. ??i? Grid has same first letter for both answers....
Help with 1ac. Precedent in case 7. --a---e
and 11ac Veteran worried about extremely lazy Goldeneye character 9. --e---y-n
I think it's an anagram. Many thanks....
Any thoughts?
23ac Dear divorcee upset about publicity (10) ---r------
22ac Amusing chap's decay (6) --n---
25ac Welshman with the balls to leave company (5) --n--
Many thanks...
Struggling with 1 down, Colonialist entertaining scholar and author (6), P-N--- 2 down, Large body of soldiers, say, described by hero (6), L-G---. Think it's legion but don't understand why. 27...