Chocolate. is it just me or does chocolate not taste like it used to! I do prefer savoury snacks and haven't eaten chocolate for quite some time today tempted by a mini crunchie it tasted powdery and...
My last 4 please help 4A River rising in Georgia (6) _W_N-E 16A Chocolate made from hazelnuts (8) N_I_E_T_ 20D Fibre obtained from agave or yucca trees (5) I_T_E 35A Part of the left bank of the Seine...
14 A Greek goddess born totaly armed from Zeue's head 6 letters answer should be Athena but the last "a" does'nt fit is it a spelling isuue ? i.e should it be Athene ?
19D - maori word for a tree also known as new zealand ash(6) -i---i 8A - in ancient greece, relating to the underworld:unusual in beginning with four consonants, the first two of which are not...
2d Order of birds including woodpeckers. ?I?A?I?E 28a Greek mythological lovers a shepherd and a nymph.(3 words) ?C?S ?N? G???T?A 14a A horny tooth-bearing strip on the tongue of molluscs used for...
1d Kind lace named after finance minister of Louis XIV (10) -o-b-r-i-e 10d Source illumination once used transmitting Morse code (5,4)a-d-slamp 27d Group which was second in UK heat 1981 Eurovision...
Period between old and new moons when the moon is visible -N----------- In New Zealand tax added to customs duty -R----- Professional boxer weighing between 112 and 118 pounds ------