Still stuck on two from yesterday, 1st Jan. 6 down Greek order that's mildly sarcastic, not radical (5 letters) I-N-C 24 down The cream of the Israelites (5 letters) E-I-E Thank you for any help...
Stuck on these; plse p;- 13 across Using his body, silly chap diverted Yankee (10 letters) -------L-Y 4 down Pagan female inspires two articles (7 letters) H-A--N 28 across Plant spies to follow...
Final two:-
3 down EU in retreat, taking wrong turn? That's incorrect. (6 letters)
9 across Lodger in New York reported gossip (6 letters) -U-O--
Thank you in advance...
An all round measure. (9 letters) -E-----E-
Act in a disagreeable manner (6 letters) ---F-R
Been staring at these last two for a couple of days - any inspiration please?...
Final one:-
25 across State cut business with service supplying maize (two words)
-N-I-N -O-N (6 and 4 letters) Second word I think might be CORN
Thank you...
Final two:- 26 across Birds cleverly absorb energy in rubbish (6 letters) -E-R-S 5 down Large Arab eating eighty bananas? There's a long way to go -two words of 5 and 4 letters - L-G-T- -E-R Thank you...
These final two are a sticking point: 6 down All should join in rewriting core of constitutions. (5 letters) T-T-I 17 across Small birds return mob large one on shoreline (5 letters) S-I-T. I think it...
Stuck on these three: 1 down Sing R & B in almost all of principality (6 letters) W-R-L- 10 across One appears in part of London in case (6 letters) -C-I-- 8 down Occupants attempt to nurse French...
Final two: 28 across Batting felt wrong, Cook's first in-- change ends (7 leeters) I-F-E-T (Thought it might be INFIELD but can't be!) 23 down Just carry on over river (6 letters) -U-E-Y Thank you...
Final two - and stuck: 9 across Male setter assumes nothing about height of fashion. (7 letters) H-M-I-- 3 down Cooks slowly steal paintings from royal family. (5 letters) S--wS I've considered STEWS...
Spent ages puzzling over these. I give up!! Please help 10 across Bug in Russian citadel- government replaces leader. (7 letters) G---L-- 8 down Peace keepers torture occasionally? It'snot right (6...
13 across Diet evens out - faulty bile duct can be taken away (10 letters)
10 across Woman's involved in a breakthrough (6 leters) -E-N-A
Thank you in advance for assistance...
1 across Ruin all with clue (cryptic) describing earliest life. (11 letters) U-I-E-L-R 18 across Manages to acquire first of gold bars (5 letters) R-N-- 19 down .. makes assesssment, stops working,...