fancy coming to newcastle for a night out got a few rooms spare no expense paid for accom/d any offers pick a date a month to see if it can go to plan x xxxxxxxxxxxx monty xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Why do people shop at Tesco? Their ethical standards are low when it comes to competition and animal welfare etc. Their advertising suggests they sell cheap crap to idiots who don't care. The funny...
Have you ever been on ab and wondered if you actually knew anyone on here? Have you seen something and thought, hmmm, that sounds like so and so? What would you do if you did think it was someone you...
I have a Matsui VCR VP9408 after perfect service I have entered the wrong pin number and now it is Protected even from me !! is there any way I can clear the problem.? Help!!! Drene
Just been reading article today about Tourist Attractions ,most disappointing most enjoyable I visited Egypt few years back and went to see Pyramids I thought they were awe inspiring but was slightly...
I challenge you - (the whole of AB) to contact by phone (or whatever) somebody you havent spoken to for a while and rekindle a friendship then tell me about it on his thread. You must take this...
Just wanna say the last hour has been one of the best ive ever spent online.Id just like to thank all those that supported me through my time of heartache and torment.Some didnt make it through the...