How much healthier can you get than bottled water? so whats this i'm told about the plastic on the bottle causing cancer... and how come everything everywhere seems to cause cancer these days... how...
new years eve is rapidly approaching and our thoughts all turn to the same thing: What shall we do this year??? I don't know where to go or what to do, have you got any good ideas for drinking...
listening to virgin radio heard 'i don't want to talk about it' originally a rod stewart song i think, but this version was by someone with a nice voice any ideas who?
i'm running windows xp and in the last month or so a 'Director player has had to close' errror message pops up every so often, bizarrely enough its only done it once when i've been at the computer, it...
about the end again. I've read the other postings regarding why it ended like it did but i'm still bothered by one bit, if agent smith took over everyone in the matrix, doesn't that mean he killed...