4D less substantial second requirement for smoker (8) 3D Did spring exercises alongside field (5) 5AYoung bird shot with primitive weapon (7) 5DSlightly hurt and fed up on farm (6) 8D Wanting it...
18A Prison work invested in foundation (8)
19D Skinnymonkey doffing cap,hiding stomach of flab (7)
22D Asian flower running rings round tree in the end (6)...
13A Cats move this way but they all move differently (10)
15A Like power stations he and I'd correctly designed (13)
15D Quest for it brings sort of glory in downfall? (4,5)...
29A Legislative body cleverly hd shambles in recession (8)
5A Fault in gas primarily set fire to church (6)
31A Publisher of Herald 28 (8)
28A The German drinks beer-he's a salesman (6)...