23D Missing a round,googled new feature at St.Andrews(6)
26D Clergyman's heading off in a short time (4)
27A Guide learnt English first but never finished (7)...
12D Topping official making you late for work (11) 16A Taking top off fish basket reveals this part of anglers kit (4) 19A Radioactive stuff symbolically found in heart of turbot (8)...
8D in 6 helps worrier arrive anxiously
covering miles .(4-4,6).
21D E.G>Down and out touring north in Cyprus(6)
25D essential part of routine tasks hard going(4)...
26A The old stay bewildered and restless (6)
16D After start of winter their bananas wilt (6)
21D A student in gnarled oak cpould be up a gum tree (5)...