I don't understand if you give you e-mail address when joining this site how can you keep registering with different names. When you try to do this on other sites its says that e-mail address has...
I dreamt I was back living at home and drew all over my sister's leg with bright red lipstick. She was livid and chased me out of the house with a blunt object! I while hiding outside waiting for her...
Hey everyone...I finally have some free time at work, so it's been a while...but glad to be here! I was wndering, with Halloween coming up soon, could anyone share some ghost stories with me?? Your...
going las vegas (4 nights) honolulu (including 7 night cruise for 9 nights) then san fransisco (5 nights) anyone know how much a large beer will be @ these places in march next year
....................................... .................................... ...................................... .............X smile if i make you feel sexy X ........... ............... bet you...
A cat dies and goes to Heaven. God meets him at the gate and says, 'You've been a good cat all of these years. Anything you desire is yours, all you have to do is ask.' The cats says, 'Well, I lived...
As it's the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar Who was the greater man? Nelson or Wellington and why? Oh I suppose you can vote for Napoleon if you're French (why they still think he was great is...