6a topic (6) a----- 10a worn round the wrist (6) -a---- 27a be next to (6) a-a--- 30a loose cloak worn in south america (6) -o-n-- 3d blurb (6) -----a 9d master (5) -e-e- 21d semi-precious stone (7)...
Struggling for one. 13a The south wind will tear shockingly round us (6). I have letters a?s?e?. I think 1d is correct Parisian, the clue being French capitalist. Thanks in advance.
13a An 18th Century women's low cut basque with sleeves(7) P???R?T - I thought this might be PLACKET but can't get it to fit with other answers and I'm not sure it's a basque anyway!!! 16a Former...
12 ac. a light glossy silk. A?a?o?e. 23ac Basic arsenate of copper found in Cornwall and Ireland. E???i?e. 26ac, small town southof Canakkale in western Turkey. E???i. 15. d. the edifice of a bridge....
11a Obstructions returning priest puts to some purpose(7) i-e???? 20a Where Rhone joins Rhine perhaps(7) --s-a-g 19d Where 10 and 605 of 24 make game(6)------ Any help most gratefully received! M...
The answers to the following 2 clues are British seaside towns or cities:
Poet's joint (8)
Attempt to find out protection (9)
Any help appreciated. TIA...
Morning folks .... I wonder if you can help with these few clues, please... 1a species of woodruff used in treating tonsillitis (6,4) ??i??? w??? 1d alternative spelling for a magistrate in Muslim...
15a. The suppression of a gene of another non-allelomprphic gene (9) E?I?M?S?S
8d. Short pieces of wool or other fibres, separated from the larger fibres (5) S?I?S...
last two
3d a paste, used for flavouring, prepared from soya beans and fermented in brine(4) M-S-
32a American araceous plant with starchy tubers(6,7) -I-I-N, -U-N-P-
Help please. The answer to this clue is a bird or animal but I'm getting nowhere with it. The clue is 'Alec hid navy glove'. There is no indication given of the number of letters in the answer. TIA...