I think it's nearly time for me to go soon. I'll stay for another few more minutes,and then I will have to depart and sign out.I've had a busy day with mowing two lawns then raking them and chopping...
I just want to send this video to you all,in remembrance of the great Harry Patch who died at the age of 109. The last known surviving British soldier to have fought in the World War I trenches, Harry...
In this clip, Drew Barrymore is just a spare part. It turns into a shoot-out between Cameron and Lucy. I think Lucy just shades it. And how does she do it in those SHOES ???...
You know what I mean, trying to talk as if a ventriloquist (but a very bad one!) I'll go first: Hello! I went to the cug for a kint of geer and got kissed as a newt! Then I had to go to the gog for a...
Oooooooooooooaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!! I cut me grass on me two lawns today,and raked the both of them. I smells like a bit o' hay now....oooaaaarrrrr!! I also chopped down part of a tree as...
I think I will head off into the night now...getting tired after listening to quite a few songs on YouTube,especially French songs...J'aime le fran?ais langue So,I will bid you a fond farewell. I will...
Council complaint letters 1 My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing. 2 He's got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house, and I just can't take it any...
Lord Malloch Brown says the army don't have enough helicopters in Afghanistan, Gordon Brown says they do. Isn't it getting like a pantomime with one saying 'oh yes they do' and the other saying 'oh no...
..for the pub soonly. Which is not really that interesting or unusual, for that matter. So, to maybe add some interest, I thought I'd give you some of the prices at the pub and let you compare them...